Gardening With Burke Nursery – YouTube
Check out the Gardening with Burke Nursery shows now on YouTube:
You can either watch the show when it airs or, if you missed an episode, there’s always YouTube. The show airs on Fairfax Public Access, Channel 10, the first and second Thursdays of the month at 7:30 pm. You can also see the show on the first and second Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 am and the first and second Saturdays of the month at 2:00 pm.
Find the episodes you missed by going to Misty’s YouTube Channel, Gardening with Burke Nursery.
Currently, you’ll find:
- The Introduction (Promo) to the Show
- Fall Garden Maintenance
- Container Gardening – Create Whimsy in Your Garden
- Fall Lawn Maintenance
- Growing Greens on Your Patio.
- Extend Your Vegetable Growing Season: Fall Vegetables
- Spring Flowering Bulbs
- Low Light House Plants (Pothos, English Ivy, ZZ Plant, Fittonia)
- Low Light House Plants (Snake Plant, Chinese Evergreen, Peace Lily, Fern)
- Backyard Birds in the Winter
- Terrarium Gardens
- Creating Your Edible Garden
- Spring Garden Maintenance
- The Sunny Side of Fall Flowers
- Fantastic Fall-Blooming Shade Perennials
- Improve the Soil Conditions of Your Gardens
- Prepare for Winter: Common Gardening Questions
- Creating Bird Seed Decorations
- Basic Landscaping Techniques (Aired 12.10.2020)
- Starting Your Seeds Indoors (Aired 03.04.2021)
- Common Pet-Friendly Houseplants – (Aired 04.06.2021) African Violets, Spider Plants, Parlor Palms, Bird’s Nest Ferns, and Fittonia (Nerve Plant)
- Less Known Pet-Friendly Houseplants – (Aired 04.08.2021) Rattlesnake Plant, Pin Stripe Plant, Prayer Plant (also known as Peacock Plant), Stormanth triostar, Ponytail Palm, and Japanese Aralia.
- Houseplants – The Exotics – (Aired 11.04.2021) Flamingo Plant (Anthurium), Pink Quill (Tillandria cyanea), Air Plants, String of Pearls.
- To Prune or Not to Prune Hydrangeas (Aired 12.02.2021)
- Planting Your New Tree (Aired 09.02.2021)
- Selecting Your Tree – (Aired 09.09.2021) Native and Korean Dogwoods, native Redbud, Yoshino and Kwanzan Cherry Trees, native and Japanese maples, and Zelkova.
- Soil Supplements – (Aired 11.11.2021) There is a difference between Perlite and Vermiculite, find out what it is and learn about some other soil supplements.
- Lawn Care Primer for Spring
- Deer Resistant Plants: The Spring Edition – (Aired 05.06.2021) Perennials: Candy Tuft (Iberis sempervirens), Salvia – Sage (Salvia x sylxestris ‘May Night’), Lenten Rose (Hellebores), Wood Poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum) and Euphorbia (Spurge); and the following annuals: Lantana, Sweet Alyssum, Marigold, and Sage.
- Butterfly Gardens: The Spring Edition – (Aired 05.13.2021) Spring-flowering perennials: Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulate), Woodland Phlox (Phlox divaricata), Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Batchelor’s Button (Centarea montana), Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis), and Catmint (Nepeta ‘Junior Walker’). Annuals: Lantana, Daisy, and Sweet Alyssum. Find out how to spot the “babies” (larvae) of Swallowtail butterflies.
- Echinacea: Loving the Heat (Aired 08.05.2021)
- Annuals: The Sunny Side – (Aired 08.12.2021) Petunia, Calibrachoa (Million Bells), Vinca, Scaevola, Gazania, Lantana, and Portulaca.
- The Magnificent Summer Bulbs: Elephant Ears & Dahlias (Aired 04.07.2022) Make a statement of grandeur in your garden or on your patio with these great bulbs.
- Bonsai Plants and Their Care (Aired 04.14.2022) Misty Kuceris welcomes Aaron Stratten, President of the Northern VA Bonsai Society who share his expertise on Bonsai care.
- Repotting Houseplants (Aired 05.05.2022) Choosing the right pot is critical to success.
- Repotting Bonsai Plants (Aired 05.12.2022) Aaron Stratten, President of the Northern VA Bonsai Society demonstrates how to repot a Bonsai plant.
- Deer Resistant Plants: Consider These for Your Gardens (Aired 06.02.2022) Coleus, Sweet Woodruff, Spiderwort, Ageratum, Fairy Wings (Barrenwort), Zinnia, Speedwell (Veronica), Pincushion Flower, Lobelia (the annual), and Astilbe.
- Care of Roses (Aired 06.09.2022) Kathy Jentz, Board Member of the Potomac Rose Society and Editor of Washington Garden Magazine and Misty Kuceris discuss the care of roses.
- Butterfly Gardens for Shade (Aired 07.07.2022) Butterflies need shade just as much as sun gardens for their life cycle. In this show you’ll learn more about the life cycle of Black Swallowtail butterflies as well as host plants for the larvae and shade plants for nectar.